Saturday, May 30, 2009

Weight Loss Diet Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty A Liposuction Alternative

One popular alternative to liposuction is Radiofrequency Assisted Lipoplasty. This new medical procedure for treating fat and cellulite is a way for patients to see dramatic results in a relaxing way with no downtime.

Using a form of radio frequency to deliver volumetric heat without damaging the epidermis, the procedure works to melt both subcutaneous and unhealthy visceral fat (that even liposuction cannot treat), reduce cellulite, reshape problem areas, tighten skin and reduce wrinkles. There is no invasive surgery, painful needle injections, inflammation, scars and no downtime for recovery. Patients should not be surprised to see results of up to 3 inches in circumference loss and up to 10 pounds of weight loss in just 6 weeks.

RFAL produces results 560% faster than other forms of non-surgical treatment currently available. The world has waited a long time for an easier solution for unwanted fat reduction, and RFAL literally melts fat extremely quickly and without discomfort.

Good candidates are:

- People who have already tried diet and exercise but have problem areas of excess fat in specific areas, such as the hips, buttocks, thighs, inner knee, back, abdomen, upper arms, cheeks, jowls, chest, and waist.

- People who don't want to undergo invasive liposuction surgery

- People who have had a liposuction surgery and need maintenance

The treatment procedure is like thermal therapeutic massage which is very comfortable to the patient and operator.

During the treatment many people feel little or no sensation at all. Some people feel a tingling or warm sensation under the applicator or electrodes. This feeling usually decreases or disappears after a few hours as the person becomes used to the sensation. This sensation can vary depending upon the site being treated.

Bob Masters is author of this article. More info about:

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weight loss diet: rapid weight loss

Weight Loss Diet The Best Way To Use A Weight Loss Calculator

Using a weight loss calculator can help you determine, to the exact number, how much weight you have lost due to your weight loss plan. Many people swear by a weight loss calculator because it provides them the accurate numbers they need to complete their weight loss goals. It also helps give them a good indication as to where they are headed if they continue their current course of action. Using a calculator to determine your weight loss is a great motivating factor if actually seeing the numbers drop or go up is a way in which you are motivated to lose weight.

Other people are not motivated by actually seeing the numbers of their weight loss cruise by on a calculator or a computerized mechanism of any sort, so they rather keep a general basis marking of what it is they need to achieve and rely on scales to get there. In other words, they would rather intermittently weigh themselves instead of having constant calculations of their progress. It really, in the end, all comes down to personal preference in terms of whether you decide to use a weight loss calculator or not and actually ends up revealing an awful lot about how you intend to lose weight.

The Basics Of The Device

You can start using your weight loss calculator the instant you get it out of the box. It will calculate your goal weight and your actual weight and begin to deliver state of the art attempts at telling you how much you will need to lose by when to get to your goal. It will even logically try to measure out what you will need to lose in amounts coupled with times, so that you can accurately see if you are on track towards your weight loss goals. It calculates body types and other elements, too, to give you as close to an accurate weight loss estimation as possible.

You should, of course, remember that a weight loss calculator is just an estimation of weight loss and cannot at all accurately guess exactly how you will end up in terms of weight loss. You can, however, use it as a rough guide for yourself and determine how much weight you need to lose and how you need to lose it with its assistance. This is the best function it can offer you because using it for an objective source is simply not going to work out.

Eddie Lamb publishes an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. More about:

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weight loss diet: weight loss